
Expert Workshop - Skills for Smart Industrial Specialization and Digital Transformation


Brussels, Belgium

"By 2030, Europe will have experienced major impacts across Member States’ national labour markets due to rising technological breakthroughs of the 4th Industrial Revolution. In this development, 14% have a high risk of automation and 32% of all jobs are likely to become significantly transformed, as recently stated by the OECD.[1] Therefore, it is of highest importance to anticipate the arising changes, and to leverage on the opportunities by engaging in collective actions of all stakeholders to ensure the European industrial leadership at the global stage. This is precisely the momentum, which this Expert Workshop Series aims to incite by jointly discussing and defining a common EU 2030 Vision on High-Tech Skills. While the 1st and 2nd Expert Workshops outlined current European good practices and discussed common grounds for all stakeholders (private, public, PPP), the 3rd Expert Workshop aims to present and validate the EU 2030 Vision on High-Tech Skills, which will be operationalised by collectively applying its Toolbox to prominent cases of rising technologies in the mobility sector."

The workshop will take place in Brussels, Belgium.

[1] L. Nedelkoska and G. Quintini (2018), “Automation, Skills Use and Training”, OECD Social, Employment and Migration”.

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