

Cedefop’s European Skills Index (ESI) has been published on the EU Skills Panorama.

For the first time it is possible to gauge the relative performance of  Member States' skill systems and, in doing so, make a substantial contribution to the policy discourse on skills, employment, and growth in EU Member States.


Using ESI, it will be possible to have a better understanding of which policies work and which do not, and of the trends that are shaping skills systems across the European Union. Moreover, ESI allows analysis of the skill system in three different areas, each one corresponding to a pillar making up the Index:

  • Skills Development
  • Skills Activation
  • Skills Matching


Skills Development assesses the effectiveness of compulsory and post-compulsory education. Skills Activation examines the transition from education to work and the activity rates of the young and adult cohorts. Skills Matching shows to what extent skills are matched with the appropriate job.


More information on the European skills index



Article shared from the EC website. For the original please follow the link.



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