

Complete report on European skills index

Following the European skills index (ESI), Cedefop’s report showcases the final 2018 results.


Measuring the relative performance of EU Member States’ skills systems just became possible through Cedefop’s European skills index. This tool is undeniably useful since it contributes to the policy discourse on skills, employment and growth. The implementation of the right policies can only be achieved by studying the labour markets’ necessities and adapting the workforce’s skills.

Moreover, ESI also allows for a better understanding of policies: how they work, which policies trends are shaping skills and different policy systems across the EU. ESI allows analysis of a skills system in three different areas: skills development, skills activation and skills matching. Firstly, skills development measures the success of compulsory and post-compulsory education. Additionally, the skills activations assesses the transition from education to work. Finally, the skills matching examines to what extent skills attained are matched with an appropriate job or task.

The report made available by Cedefop presents findings from the 2018 ESI update and offers in-depth analysis of each Member State, including individual performance results.

To learn more about this issue visit the link below:

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