

Cedefop’s contribution to green skills

Experts, government representatives, social partners and academia gathered in Geneva to attend the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) global forum on boosting skills for a just transition and the future of work, in partnership with Cedefop.

The forum, organised during the ILO Green Week, the 2019 World Environment Day and the ILO centenary celebrations, stated three main objectives:

·         To recognise occupational needs and skills gaps in the context of the future of work, green technological changes and climate action;

·         To highlight environment challenges, effective skills response strategies, and good practices for a just transition for all;

  • To discuss potential international collaboration on advancing green human capital to support decent work, and strengthen climate action.

The debate in the event compared results of 32 national studies. The key findings will be further explained on the “Skills for a greener future” report, to be published later this year.

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