

Open Registration for the KEY STAKEHOLDER DATABASE for the European Automotive Sector


The DRIVES project is one of the most important European funded Sector Skills Alliance (SSA) in the Automotive field, running from 2018 to 2021. The project covers all stages of the value chain - vehicle production, automotive suppliers and automotive sales and aftermarket services.

Public entities, European sectorial associations, VET schools and Universities, in total 24 European partners from 11 EU partner countries, aim to develop concrete actions to satisfy short and medium term skills needs to support the overall sectorial strategy.

Over all, more than 300 organisations already joined as key stakeholders in the DRIVES database. 

By registering you will be given voice to contribute to the identification of the automotive Sector future skills, in preparation for changing and emerging occupations. Also, you will be the first to receive the outcomes of this DRIVES SSA project and updated on future skills, curricula and available training.


For DRIVES intelligence's research, get in touch with one of our project partners to join the Key Stakeholder Database, to contribute and be updated on future skills, curricula and available training. Your information and inputs will be used only for the project purpose.

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