

The circle around jobs and skills

Taking Cedefop Skills Forecast framework into account, DG Environment reports on circular economy's impact on jobs and skills.


Comparing different countries to Cedefop's baseline scenario, DG Environment has released a report studying the impact that the transition to a more circular economy is having on jobs and skills within a range of different sectors.

All in all, circular economy policies have been positively contributing to a significant reduction of the impacts on the environment and they have even increased employment levels simultaneously. Some areas and some sectors will benefit more from this reality than others. Particularly Central and Eastern Europe and the recycling and repairing sectors.

This report weighs in on two important points:

1. It is possible to achieve both resource efficiency and job creation at the same time;

2. The current transition to circular economy emphasizes the importance of transversal skills, given the evolution required by jobs descriptions.


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